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Report a Safety Concern

When an environmental health and safety concern is noticed at Saint Louis University, first determine whether you are capable of resolving it either by correcting the issue yourself or by notifying the correct department (e.g. submitting a work order to Facilities Services). If you are unable to resolve the concern, please complete the form linked below.

Report a Laboratory Safety Concern

Examples of environmental health and safety concerns include:

  • Workplace conditions or actions that could cause harm to faculty, staff, students, or the environment
  • Poor condition or lack of equipment, tools, or personal protective equipment (PPE) required to safely perform work
  • Violations of governmental regulations applicable to environmental protection, occupational safety, chemical safety, radiation safety or biological safety.

Please Note: Emergencies, including spills, must be reported directly to the Department of Public Safety at 314-977-3000.

Please Note: All dormitory concerns should be reported to Housing and Residential Life at or by calling Facilities Services at 314-977-2955.